Do I need an Administrative Hearing with ADOT after my DUI ?
After you are charged with a DUI in Arizona you are required to comply with the Arizona Department of Transportation. Once charged with a DUI, you must request an Administrative Hearing with ADOT in regards to your driver’s license status. Keep in mind you ONLY get 15 days from your DUI charge date to request a hearing. If our office is hired in a timely manner we will complete the written request for hearing and represent our client during the Administrative Hearing if a contest to the suspension/revocation of your license is wished.
An administrative hearing is an informal proceeding. Evidence is presented by each party, either as sworn testimony, documents or other physical evidence. Each party will have an opportunity to question the witnesses. At the end of the hearing each party may present a closing argument to explain why the ALJ (administrative law judge) should rule in their favor. The ALJ will make a decision at the time of the hearing or the ALJ may take the matter under advisement and issue a decision after the hearing. A written Decision and Order will be mailed to the parties.
A little reminder, if you do not request a hearing and/or you fail to appear, you may lose the case by default. If possible, seek legal counsel immediately after any type of arrest or charges are made. Here, one of the main benefits of requesting a hearing is that your driving privilege remains in tact while you typically wait months for your administrative hearing. If you do not request a hearing after receiving your citation within 15 days, then your license will be suspended after the 15th day and you will not be able to legally drive your vehicle during the applicable suspension period.