What happens to my driver’s license when I am charged with a DUI in Arizona?
In Arizona there are several different things that can and will happen with you driver’s license privileges after being arrested or charged with a DUI.
If you are stopped for driving under the influence and a test shows that you have an alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or more (0.04 in a commercial vehicle requiring a commercial driver license), or if a blood alcohol or drug test result is not available, you will lose your driving privilege on the spot. In addition you will be required to complete alcohol or drug screening before you can obtain a restricted permit or reinstate your driving privilege.
You may be found guilty of driving while intoxicated or while under the influence of any drug or its metabolite even though the blood alcohol concentration was less than 0.08 percent. If you are 21, your license may be suspended if there is ANY alcohol concentration.
If you refuse to submit to or do not successfully complete any tests when you are arrested for driving under the influence, you will automatically lose your driving privilege for 12 months or 24 months for a second refusal within 84 months. In addition you will be required to complete alcohol or drug screening before you can obtain a restricted permit or reinstate your driving privilege.
In addition to any criminal penalties imposed by the court for a second or third offense DUI violation, your driving privilege will be automatically revoked.