Can I bail my boyfriend out of jail?
Rule 7.2 of the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure governs a defendant’s right to release.
(2) RIGHT TO RELEASE. Except as these rules otherwise provide, any defendant (in this case your boyfriend) charged with an offense bailable as a matter of right must be released pending and during trial on the defendant’s own recognizance with only the mandatory conditions of release required under Rule 7.3(a). This rule does not apply if the court determines that such a release will not reasonably assure the defendant’s appearance or protect the victim, any other person, or the community from risk of harm by the defendant. If the court makes such a determination, it must impose the least onerous conditions of release set forth in Rule 7.3 (c).
So in fact you can bail your boyfriend out of jail if it happens to be a bailable offense. Contact our office for advice on bailing your significant other out of jail.